Saturday, 23 November 2013

Lifestyle: Cozy Comfort


Good day everyone or shall I say good 'freezing' day! Where I live winter has definitely arrived. The christmas lights are starting to go on, decorations are showing up everywhere, and parkas are being worn. Not to mention the weather is chilly, and the snow it here to stay. With all this holiday cheer also comes the struggle of keeping toasty this season. Everyone bundles up when they go outside wearing 3 pairs of socks, large scarfs, and full out snow suits. Yup it's cold here. Currently I'm sitting in my bedroom listening to christmas carols, wrapped in a blanket, and sipping a cup of hot cocoa. What can I say, I'm freezing! Even putting the heat on in my house isn't helping greatly. It is though better than being frozen outside. I have a winter task for you guys to do! This season go to your local donation centre and donate some winter clothing for the homeless. Imagine living in and out of shelters and on the street during the coldest nights of the year, a gently wore winter coat can be the meaning of live or death. It's so important to help out others, and what better way then to help a child or adult this winter with the gift of warmth. Now some of you reading this are probably reading this and going, 'wait I don't live in a cold climate…' well don't worry there is always a way to help out. If cold weather isn't a problem where you live then think about donating toys and presents for helpless children, or maybe donate to a local food bank food for a christmas feast. Another helpful way to pitch in this holiday is volunteering at a shelter and help cook meals for the inhabitants. There's always a way to help out and spread the holiday cheer by giving someone the gift of cozy comfort if that means clothes, toys, food, or just a helping hand.

Give the gift of cozy comfort 

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